
Best Guide on ShackledCraft Forums

The ShackledCraft Forums provide a place for you to chat with your friends and share tips and tricks. To ensure everyone has a fun experience, there are certain rules that must be observed.

Before posting on our forums, please read these guidelines. Please notify an admin or moderator immediately if you see something that violates these policies.

ShackledCraft Forums are a long-standing tradition.

For many years, the ShackledCraft forums have been available for suggestions, bug reports, and general feedback. These forums are not meant to be a place for players or their builds.

You can communicate with staff members and other players through the ShackledCraft Forums

Forums are a great way for players and staff to communicate. These forums should not be used to ask for assistance from staff, report other players, or also request technical support.

Forums are subject to the rules of the server

These rules also apply to forums, but they are more restrictive. You may be banned from ShackledCraft for sweating excessively, but swearing is not a crime on the forum.

The forum rules are located here:

You can submit suggestions, bug reports or general feedback regarding the server

You are asked not to post any racist, sexist or homophobic material. We are a family-oriented site, so we expect our users to treat one another with respect. If you see someone acting out of line, please report them using this link (

You can also post your suggestions for new features to the server in the forums and vote on which ones get added! You can also suggest things that are already in the game, but need some tweaking to make it more user-friendly or just because it isn’t working right.

These forums are not for discussing other players’ builds or strategies

These forums are not meant to be used for discussing the builds of other players. This is the same thing as talking about a player’s in-game builds. You can discuss the game, but not the people who play it.

ShackledCraft Forums: Threads


There are two places better to post bots on ShackledCraft forums. Bot Development Forum is intended for individuals who want to foster bots. This string does not allow you to offer premade bots. Post inquiries to bot engineers to request them to fix your bugs. For any other issues, the Bot Discussion Forum is the right place. Both of these forums are great places to discuss bot-related issues, but it is smarter to ask for help from other players.


Post your questions on the ShackledCraft forums. You can also detail bugs in the section. This section will help you find the answer to most of your questions. Glitching on ShackledCraft forums will be viewed as a serious offense, and you will also receive a permanent boycott. There are many ways to avoid this behavior. Before posting, make sure you read these questions carefully.

Forums are not permitted to grieve, steal, or abuse another’s property.

Report any member who is doing this to an admin or moderator. Do not post anything about someone using the forum to grief, steal, or abuse another person’s property.

You can also contact a moderator or admin right away if you see something that violates these policies. They will be able to take the appropriate actions. The takeaway: Please be careful what you post on the ShackledCraft forums

If you see something that is not in line with these policies, please notify a moderator immediately. Takeaway: Please be careful what you post on the ShackledCraft forums

You can use the in-game reporting system to report anyone who is breaking our rules. This can be done by clicking on the name of the player in chat and pressing “R” to choose “Report”. You can also use our forums at [link]. You can also send us an email at


Although the ShackledCraft forums are great, remember that they also have rules. If you have any questions or concerns about the forum, there are many people willing to assist you. Read more- How old is Adrien Agreste