
What Is Bong & How Does It Work?

People often smoke cannabis with bongs, which are like water pipes. They have been around for a long time and are now one of the most popular ways to smoke cannabis.

Many people who smoke cannabis even give their glass pipe names, which gives the inanimate object a personality among their group of smokers. This helps to solidify the bong’s place in the culture of smoking marijuana.

The History Of Bongs

A few hundred years ago, people used bamboo tubes made of wood shaped like spheres. “Bong” comes from “baung” in Thai. The Chinese of the Ming Dynasty used water pipes to cool their smoke. African tribes dug clay bongs that worked just like bongs do today. People who lived as nomads in Russia in the past used gold bongs.

Like bongs, hookahs have a hose mouthpiece and can be used by more than one person at a time. Different kinds of bongs are made today. Most pipes are made of clear glass tubes with downstems and bowls. But glassblowers and painters have used colored glass and odd shapes and sizes to make smoking more interesting. Bongs can be made out of wood, bamboo, ceramics, plastic, or plastic carved by hand. Plastic bongs are not recommended because they can melt and produce dangerous fumes.

How Do They Work?

There are many different kinds of bongs to pick from. Some are very simple because they only have a bowl and a chamber. Many of the others are bright, hand-blown works of art. They all do the same thing: filter and cool the smoke from smoking cannabis.

Dry marijuana is often kept in the shallow bowl of a bong. When lit, the weed burns up. As you inhale, the water at the bottom of the bong will start to bubble (percolate). At first, the smoke moves through the water, then through the chamber, and finally into your mouth.

Why Use A Bong?

Bongs are the biggest and most expensive ways to smoke. People may question its worth because of this. Not everyone likes bongs. If the water isn’t changed, it might smell bad and give you more of a high than you need. In the cannabis culture, bongs are popular for more than one reason. The water in a bong cools down the smoke before it gets to your lungs. 

You can get a huge hit that you can’t get from a small glass pipe. The smoothest way to smoke cannabis is through a bong. When the bong tube is full, pull the bowl out and take a drag. Don’t let the smoke get too big because dark smoke means a big, hard hit.

How To Use A Bong?

People think it’s easy to use a bong. But you need to know what you’re doing. Before you use a bong, you should grind your cannabis. You want a coarse grind that isn’t too big, too light, and too small to fall into the stem and get lost in the bong water. Fill the bong base with water until it is just above the carb hole and below the stem. The carb hole is on the side of the bong or the stem, and you can get to it when you take the bowl off.

Then, light the marijuana. As the cannabis slowly burns, take a deep breath in. The stem is how smoke gets into the tube. Cannabis smoke is cleaned, filtered, and cooled by water. The water is cooler than the hot cannabis smoke going through it, so the smoke you breathe in is cooler. It also removes plant debris that could get into your lungs and worsen the experience. After you’ve smoked all of your marijuana, breathe it in.

Depending on your bong, you can inhale after uncovering the carb or taking off the stem. Because there was no air to push the cannabis smoke through, it did not get inhaled when you breathed on it to light it. Get more on wpc2027.