
Best Ob-Gyn On Ectopic Pregnancy – A Pregnancy Complication

The fallopian tube is the place where the fertilization of an egg occurs. After then, it moves to the womb and gets implanted in the lining of the uterus. But an ectopic pregnancy refers to fertilized egg implantation outside the womb, commonly in the fallopian tube, known as tubal pregnancy.

Possible signs can be vaginal bleeding, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, low blood pressure, lower abdominal pain, a sense of pressure in the rectal area, etc. Make sure not to delay consulting your health care provider. At the same time, developing such signs doesn’t mean you have tubal pregnancy for sure. Talk to one of the best gynaecologist and obstetrician doctors in Siliguri.

Knowing If You’re at A Risk of Ectopic Pregnancy

A number of factors increase the likelihood of tubal pregnancies, such as:

  • Previous ectopic pregnancy may put you at the same risk. Let your doctor know about your medical record.
  • Fallopian tube surgery to manage the damage can be a contributing factor too. Therefore, proper medical consultation is a must.
  • A medical history like pelvic inflammatory disease occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria through sexual contact reach the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
  • Endometriosis is when endometrium-like tissue is found elsewhere in the uterus. The risk increases due to the formation of scar tissue and that may reduce the ability of a fertilized egg to move to the uterus.
  • Sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea are significant risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. Practicing safe sex is, therefore, of importance. Get your vaccinations if recommended by your doctor.
  • Smoking is a culprit for health complications. Here this practice can be associated with the risk of ectopic pregnancy. This is a major risk for reduced uterus receptiveness.

What Are The Signs You Should Not Overlook?

The early signs of ectopic pregnancy overlap typical pregnancy signs. The following are early-stage symptoms:

  • Vaginal spotting, bleeding
  • Pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, pelvic pain
  • Pressure felt in your rectum
  • Dizziness, fainting

Advanced stage signs caused by fallopian tube rupture may include:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Extreme weakness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Vaginal bleeding in combination severe abdominal pain
  • Shoulder pain

There’s no specific way to prevent the condition, but are ways to reduce the possibility to a great extent. Eating well, avoiding unhealthy practices, practicing safe sex, and seeking medical attention if you’re pregnant or planning, play a role in decreasing the chance of such a concern.

What Medical Care Offers

Different sets of diagnostic procedures/tests help identify the condition. Doctors also check the symptoms you have. Your health care provider may order a blood test, urine test, ultrasound, etc. Plus, a pelvic examination can be there.

Depending on your health situation, medical care begins. Medications can help an early-stage condition. Follow-up appointments with your doctor are never to miss. This helps determine how well the treatment works. When the condition is more advanced, surgical intervention is recommended. Surgery aims to prevent the complications of fallopian tube rupture. Fallopian tube rupture is a surgical emergency that may lead to a life-threatening condition without treatment. In a severe case, the ruptured tube removed by the specialist safeguards wellbeing against further complications. Clinical consultations with your obstetrician can be of great help for optimum pregnancy advice.