
Switch To Yoga To Boost Your Fertility

Yoga is a discipline that first emerged in the spiritual lands of ancient India. Yoga is the way to combine mind and body with an influence of spirituality. This ancient practice was aimed to bring peace of mind, a healthy body, and concentration, through meditation, postures, and breathing methods. Yoga has over 5000 years of history and is one of the oldest and most effective ways to keep your body and mind on track.

Yoga is a beneficial practice for the reproductive health of both men and women. It has been proven that the ancient practice helps in reducing stress and hormonal regulations. According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, with great management of stress, yoga therapy helps to improve blood circulation, the function of internal organs, biological cycles, and the overall reproductive system.

What Is The Science Behind?

Stress can affect your hormonal regulation very much. So, a reduction in stress levels brings better hormonal regulation. Daily yoga not only helps to release happy hormones (Dopamine and Oxytocin) but also helps you to maintain a balanced body weight. Daily yoga keeps your muscles in a good state as well. Some specific yoga practices can be very much beneficial for a healthy endocrine system, well-functional ovaries, and uterus. And all these benefits from daily yoga increase your fertility rate and the chances of your conception.

Here are few Yoga poses for you to practice at home and moving forward to the journey of your conception.

Cobra pose

Lie down on your stomach; place your palms beside of your chest. Then inhale and lift up your chin and chest, keeping the neck in line with the spine. Keep your feet, legs and hips on the ground. Hold this pose for minimum 10-15 seconds by breathing normally. Focus on your breathing and enjoy the stretching sensation.

Bridge Pose

Lie down on your back and bent your knees. Place your hands on sides. Now inhale and gently lift your hip up. With a gentle exhalation, bring your hip down. Hold this pose at least for 10 seconds, and repeat for 10 times. This yoga asana improves the blood circulation to the pelvic region, strengthens your muscles, increases sperm count mobility.

Butterfly Pose

This is an effective asana to boost your reproductive health. With a firm and straight spine, sit steadily. Adjoin the soles of both your feet by bending your knees and also bring them closer towards the pelvis by grabbing your feet with your hands. Perform deep breathing and hold that pose for as long as you can. Butterfly pose removes fatigue from long hours of standing and walking, offers relief from menstrual discomfort and menopause symptoms, Improves circulation to the reproductive system.

Legs–On-The-Wall Pose

This is a great asana for your fallopian tubes. Lie down on your back and raise your legs up on the wall at a 90 degree. Hold this pose as long as you can. A minimum one minute hold is required. This asana relaxes your pelvic and lower back region, and improves stimulates the opening of fallopian tubes.

Child’s Pose

Child Pose is the most important resting posture in yogasanas. This pose helps a lot in stress relief and stretching of your spine. Kneel on your hands and knees. Breathe out and lower yourself down. Bring your forehead to the floor. Expand your arms forward. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to a few minutes. Focus on your breathing and notice what happens with your body while in a child’s pose. A child’s pose gently stretches your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles, helps to relax your mind from anxiety and fatigue, improves blood circulation, and stimulates ovaries. These five yoga poses are the most effective and easy postures which you can practice comfortably at your home. These yogasanas will benefit you to improve your fertility rate and help you to start your parenthood at the earliest. These yoga postures are equally beneficial for every pregnancy period.

For more queries you can always consult with the best fertilit​​​​​​​y expert in Siliguri.